As COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations, and deaths have been rising across the United States, Sarah’s Peace and Love Home Healthcare continues to follow and implement strict preventive measures and health protocols to ensure the safety and health of our employees, clients, their families, and the community we serve.
To help stop this virus from affecting more people, our agency, in collaboration with the CDC and WHO, encourages everyone to practice the following:
- Frequently and properly wash your hands with soap and water or apply an alcohol-based hand rub.
- Wear a face mask that has two or more layers, and make sure that it covers your nose and mouth down to your chin.
- Practice social distancing and keep at least six feet away from others, especially those who are sneezing or coughing.
- Cover your nose and mouth with the sleeve of your bent elbow or tissue every time you sneeze or cough.
- Seek medical attention when you have symptoms of the COVID-19.
- Keep yourself rightly informed about the virus and follow the advice of your healthcare provider.
The World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have been working 24/7 in providing the people with advice, researching and analyzing data about the virus, and is still doing their best in aiding countries by increasing supplies and having health experts available to answer the public’s concerns about the pandemic.
They have also worked with other organizations, healthcare professionals, and celebrities from all around the world through an on-air special to raise funds to provide people in need access to shelter, food, and health assistance.
For more updates about the pandemic, visit the following websites: